In the Life of a Fickle Intern

February 12, 2012

Bucket List

Filed under: Daily Lowdown — dailymedicine @ 21:33

Whether you have a physical list or a mental list, I think it’s fair to say that everyone has a list somewhere of things they want to do, to see, to accomplish, or to experience before they reach a certain age (or die!). My mental list consists of a lot of places to travel to and career goals and whatnot, but after this weekend, I am able to cross off several things that I’ve never thought about.

I am doing a rotation at Children’s National Hospital in DC this month. To save myself the commute, I have been crashing with one of my good childhood friends who lives in the area. Coming home for the weekend this last Saturday, I discovered that my apartment had been broken into while I was away. My bedroom window has been opened somehow and the internal grating of the window had been kicked in. I had a fleeting panic attack, but after calling the police, mass texting my friends, and reassessing the situation, I realized that it could have been way worst.

Though I am without a few material goods now, including my Macbook Air, I am so grateful to not have been there when it happened. I think that is the scariest part of the whole situation. It was my bedroom window! And I’m a hard sleeper!

So to add to my bucket list, whether it was warranted or not, I can cross off that I have been robbed, that I’ve  called 911, and that I met a real-live crime scene investigator (though the ones on CSI are way cooler). Though I am relatively calm and collected about the situation, I am a little hesitant about having to sleep in the apartment. I am almost sure that whoever did this will never come back because he (or she) stole the only big valuable thing I owned, but now that it has happened, I know that I’m not immuned to these petty crimes as I once believed. Luckily but unluckily, I will be away most of the month in DC. I will have to call the landlords on Monday and see if something can be arranged.

On a brighter note, the rest of the weekend was absolutely wonderful. I’m grateful for that as well.



  1. Oh no! That’s so scary. I’m so sorry to hear that happened! I’m glad you’re okay though. Please be safe!

    Comment by Caitlin T. — February 12, 2012 @ 22:32 | Reply

  2. Oh no 😦

    At least the material things can be replaced. Glad you weren’t there!

    Comment by ZIP — February 16, 2012 @ 18:49 | Reply

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